Labels:book | bulletin board | poster | reckoner | sky | waterfall OCR: BAGHEAD You talk into the mike and it writes down what you say. MR. DEAL: Danny the why don' you tell him what DANNY THE Well Mas ter Voice uses a custom chip we deve .oped us ing neural -net technol logy Instead of the data just being passive acted on by the program, the dat ta itself acti ve di recti .ng through thousands o f ind V - .dua decis ion-ma ki 6u nodes, aud even tua. teach ing .tse. to make fewer really some h ing an cill MOU sort been techno Logy in search of an appiica ion COWL LADY Uh... what HE said. DR DOOM: Wow! Sounds supe rcool MISS BROOKS: How op you like Artelligence? DANNY THE Lots. They re great people. BAGHEAD: When will mastervocie be available? DANNY THE Sh ipping February first We re pretty heavily bac kordered tho. BAGHEAD Can we order Voi .ce online? right he ...